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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Dreg Scott Decision

November 11, 1857
Dreg Scott Case Colletion
Hello. It's been a while since my last entry. Today I am going to tell you about what I think of the Dreg Scott Decision. If you are not aware the Dreg Scott Decision is a law suit where slave Dreg Scott sued his owner for freedom. He should have been able to be free because he was still held a slave in two non-slave states. I do not approve at all of slavery moving. The Supreme Court did not set him free because he was not a citizen because he was a slave so he didn't have the right to sue. I think this is a cruel way to treat a human. He deserved his freedom but didn't get it. Leave me a comment and let me know what your thoughts are about this.
Walt Whitman
New York

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