Works Cited

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lincon's Death
April 10, 1865
Hey everyone! I'm back and the war is over! For those of you wondering about my brother George, he is fine. I found him and he only had a cut on his cheek. Although with the good news war ending we have to keep in mind of the great man our nation has lost, Aberham Lincon. He was shot by John Booth. He was shot while watching a play. Booth shot him at the climax of the play. Next he jumped of the theater balcony and broke part of his leg. We don't exactly know. He was found and killed soon after. He was trying to make his way to the deep south. John Booth was a famous actor at the time. I wrote a poem about the tragedy of Lincons death. The poem talks about how we can be glad for the victory of the Union but we still must acknowledge the death of our great leader.
New York
Walt Whiman

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Battle of Antietam

 ABC-CLIO American History
December 13, 1962
Hello everyone. At the moment I am sitting in my Brooklyn home with the casualty lists of the incredibly gory battle of Antietam. I am very nervous about my brother, George's well been. The list said that he was injured. He joined the was to fight for the Union awhile back. He survived with no wounds with an New York regiment for an attach on the lower bridge. I am still awaiting word from him. If you didn't already know Antietam was the single most bloodiest day in American military history. In fact 27,000 were either killed or wounded. It was the first invasion the Confederates had on the North. The North won the battle. This battle was what made Aberham Lincon create the Emancipation Proclamation. Anyways its crazy up her in New York. A bunch of people are joining the Union. Alright so let me know what you think and if you have any information on my brother, if I don't find out he's okay I'm going to have to find him.
Walt Whitman
New York